Saturday, October 15


Mmmk so obviously I've been changing things up on the blog here. 

I might actually be starting to get a grasp on how things work. Well, that, and I now technically have the time to spend playing around with it all. (My Handsome is out of town a lot for work so I get to find things other than school to keep myself busy.)

Anyway, above is a picture of my man and I on our wedding day. He's hunky, I know. And below are some of my favorite Praise Jesus songs.

I've discovered that when I really want to get chores done around the house, what makes me most productive is music, especially Praise Jesus music cuz then I get so caught up in singing that it doesn't seem like work anymore. (Plus I'm sure God gets a kick out of watching me sing into my broom and pretend I can dance.) Klove (105.5 fm) and Air1(89.9 fm) are also very lovely alternatives if I don't feel like making a playlist. I also love them cuz you can listen to both stations online just by going to their website. I just feel like listening to Christian music makes me a happier person. So it's nice to have great songs be so accessible. OH, and did I mention they have free weekly music?? Different songs on both sites normally, too. So that's at least TWO free songs a week of Praise Jesus music. LOVE it! Anyway, now that I've shared that fantastic secret, go check out the songs at the bottom, see if you like any. I'm going to try to highlight a song each time I write to explain a) what significance they have to me or b) why I like them so much.
The first song I'll feature isn't on the list, unfortunately. I'm pretty sure it's too new to find. However, it IS on Itunes :) (So you can at least preview it unless you fall in love with it like I did and then you can buy it. Except I got it It's a free website with, again, free Christian music. Yay!) this first song is called "I get to be the one" by JJ Heller. She's fantastic. She's done other great songs like "What love really means."
Ah, but before I get too into detail, I should let you know, I love lyrics. (Well, obviously, since my blog is titled after a song, which, is on the playlist at the bottom :) Anyway, I listen a lot to what is said in songs and especially in praise music because it's what you're singing to God. So, when you listen to the songs, maybe listen twice. They're always better the second time through.
Back to this song, it's all for young mommies/pregnant ladies. I feel like tons of my friends are in this stage of life right now and, although the hubby and I are not, I can still fully appreciate the cuteness of this song. Plus, I'll probably have it memorized by the time we have a little one so then I'll just sing it when I put our baby to sleep :) It's such a sweet, tender, catchy song. I love it and hope you'll search it. (Oh but it's not on Youtube yet...I've checked multiple times ha).

On a side note, one more week before my Handsome is home again :) Hooray!! And then maybe some house hunting in our future? We'll see what God has planned.

Please do enjoy the music! I'll try to feature a song that's actually on the playlist next time :)
D-backs game earlier this year.
God bless!

Sunday, October 9

Road Trip

Driving total: 12 hours 10 minutes round trip

So this past weekend I went to visit the hubby in New Mexico. He's been traveling lots for work lately and I missed him too much to wait three weeks to see him.

Anyway, we thought it would be fun to visit the Hot Air Balloon Festival while I visited. We got there waaaay before the sun was even up and it was freezing! Thankfully I'm already married so I don't have to look cute, I can be functional, right? Ha I was wearing so many layers but at least I was warm! (My dear, sweet husband kept telling me how beautiful I was. Yup, ladies, I got a keeper!)

We walked around for a while before any of the balloons started to lift off and then we saw this giant group of people huddled about so we went to check it out. Turns out they were all standing around what we could only assume was a balloon, lifting it up and down and up and down--like those parachutes when you're a little kid and everybody grabs a side and then after you get it to go really high up into the air you all run under it! Did anybody else do that? Well if you didn't, it's SO fun. So anyway, Jeremy and I grab a side and start helping with the activity. We didn't start asking questions until about ten or fifteen minutes had gone by and there had been no progress. A sweet old lady came by and was like, "Can I ask what you're doing here?" I told her, no idea! We just saw it and joined right in! Ha

TURNS out, this was NOT an actual balloon like I had hoped and was the wet tarp that they were going to lay the balloon on top of and they wanted it dried out so they made good use of the passersby. Hahah SO lame! Ugh.

So we moved on to bigger and better balloons. Turns out though, the balloon for the tarp we'd helped dry was THE biggest balloon. A cow to be more precise.

We had so much fun and it was such a neat experience! Not to get too sappy (nope, just kidding this is EXTREMELY sappy) but I have to brag. My  husband is just the greatest and he is so tolerant and patient and puts up with me even when I'm cranky. He just loves me so much and I honestly think that every girl deserves her own "Jeremy" and that she shouldn't settle for any man who doesn't treat her as amazingly as my husband does me. It was such a huge blessing to spend time with him and to do more fun "us" stuff. I know this post has been more about our trip than God, but I have to add that spending time with my husband makes my love for God grow deeper. To see how much one human man can love me, despite all of my flaws and quirks, just puts me in awe to remember that God loves me even MORE than that. I feel like this past week I keep getting reminded about how much God loves us and pursues us and fights for us. I feel like he's been my husband while mine's away. God knows just what I need and every little unnecessary thing that would brighten my day. Wow. I mean, truly, how blessed are we to have a God who loves us more than we can fathom, pursues us when we feel unreachable, and fights for us when we've given up. Thank you God for loving me that much! For loving each of us that much. And for giving me a husband as a constant reminder of how exponential Your love really is.
Thank you God for a beautiful and long-needed weekend.
I hope that all of you ladies find your "Jeremy." But in the mean time I hope you never forget that you've got the best boyfriend ever. You're dating God.
Oh how I wish I'd realized this in high school.

More updates to come!
 Picture from the weekend:
 All bundled up!

Us thinking we're being helpful. And that we're helping with something super cool. 
Reality: under the balloon is the tarp we shook out. Ha!

The cow blown up from the previous picture.

My Handsome Husband :)

Some of the balloons.

Some of the more elaborate balloons.

The cool Wells Fargo one!

My Handsome and me :)