Wednesday, January 11

Not a House, But a Home

So Jeremy and I are going through the lengthy process of house searching. We've been sort of but not hardcore looking since about August. But here's the deal, our lease is up in March and we can go month to month, but we're both just ready to be out.

I never realized how emotional the process can be! Or maybe that's just a girl thing ha One day, my mom and I drove around for five hours and looked at 22 houses to try to narrow down the list of possibilities!
There's just so much effort and research and time that goes into looking!

After I had put together my most recent list (as of a few weeks ago) we emailed it to our realtor who said that EVERY SINGLE house was pending (meaning someone already put an offer down and we can't get inside to look at it since it's pretty much gone). He emailed us a new list and said to pick a few and we'd go look in a half hour. I turned to Jeremy and said, "Sweetheart this is just so disappointing! You put all of this time and effort into it and nothing seems to come through. I'm not even excited to go look right now."

(This is where God steps in. Just to remind me that He's still in charge.)

We picked a few houses and went to the first one. Low and behold. We LOVE it! It had so much of what we'd looked for and wanted! We were so excited!
Unfortunately, by the time we got pre-qualified by the bank that was foreclosing the house (one day later!), someone else had beaten us to the punch. But...this story has a happy ending. :)

Although we haven't found our house yet, we did find these in that house we had loved. Whoever had lived there before left them "on accident." (I think God put them there especially for us). These aren't the real things, but you get the idea:

(They were left in the kitchen)

The thing about my God, when He wants to make a point, He does! God speaks so clearly to me at times! Although this house didn't end up being our home, I cannot describe the encouragement I got from finding these in that house! I truly think that they were God's way of reminding me that He is in charge and that He has something wonderful in store! It's all on His timing and He's completely taking care of it. But above all, I feel that God was telling me, "Be encouraged!" I just love how much effort and time God puts into the things He prepares for us! I am so constantly overwhelmed by His love. 
So anyway, our search continues! And so does our encouragement and our faith! Through God all things are possible! And what a blessing to be on His timing, not our own! What an incredible God we love!

May you all find encouragement in the small things in life and the big ways God speaks to you!


Oh and on a side note, the Phil Whickham (Beautiful) song playing is just beautiful to me. I started to love Phil Whickham's songs after singing his song "Grace" during Intervarsity worship up at NAU. What an incredible and powerful song! He's got his own voice, but it definitely grows on you. I love what the songs says. Sometimes I just need that reminder of how great the God I'm worshipping truly is and that I can see him everywhere I look.